The Three Drams are an interactive Celtic group. We are Terry Van Dreumel - whistles/percussion, Katherine Brasch - fiddle, and Bob MacLean - guitar/octave mandolin and all of us on vocals.
Focusing our attention on music activity that involves the listeners directly, at our events you can expect to learn something about the jigs, reels, waulking songs, pipe tunes, sea shanties and more. We also insist on audience participation for an unforgettable Ceilidh (Celtic music gathering) experience as you join in singing, playing (yes, playing!) and having fun all along the way. No previous musical experience required.
Based in Fergus, Ontario, we are part of a new movement towards experiential tourism in Centre Wellington. Currently, we are participating in the Celebrating Celtic Culture series. These are full-evening events offering Celtic-inspired dinners using local products taking place in historic locations around Centre Wellington. We are, of course, leading the entertainment portion following dinner.